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VIVE Libraries Program Launches in California and Nevada
Written by Chris Chin, Executive Director, Education VR Content at HTC VIVE.

Education | Article
When I was a kid, I spent many an hour visiting the local public library. It offered a very cool tropical aquarium, the occasional puppet show, and of course access to a treasure trove of books – all for free! The one thing that resonated the most though, was the library as a gateway to infinite untold adventures, limited only by imagination – a place to learn, discover, and explore virtually anything.
Fast forward a few decades later and the 21
century library has evolved. Instead of card catalogs, banks of computers pipe broadband access to all the wonders of the Internet. I can start a 3-D print job and roam freely with a checked-out laptop and Wi-Fi hotspot. And now, I can visit a local library and once again enter that gateway to infinite untold adventures simply by putting on an HTC VIVE – and of course, all for free!
Announcing the VIVE Libraries Program -- a partnership starting with the states of California and Nevada to bring premium VR to local communities in over 110 libraries! In California, VIVE has generously donated 100 Vive headsets to
public libraries across the state
to bring VR to more people than ever before. I’m especially excited that VR is entering communities that traditionally have had social, economic, or other access barriers. What better way to democratize access to VR for all than having it free at your local library?
“This generous contribution by VIVE is helping bring a virtual world of adventure and learning to communities across California. As more virtual reality stations take root across our library system, we are seeing positive learning impacts and visitors that are genuinely excited about technology and education.”
-- Greg Lucas, California State Librarian
For content, VIVE Studios has carefully developed, published or curated over 35 of the most immersive educational and experiential VR apps, to be rolled out and expanded over the coming weeks ahead and powered by VIVEPORT. Visit the Berlin Wall, the International Space Station, or Tokyo? Check! Swim with sharks, dissect them, or virtually build and then 3-D print one? Easy! Enter Van Gogh’s paintings, the human heart, or a relaxed state as you meditate in VR? Done! These amazing experiences span the best of Arts & Culture, Creativity, Design, History, STEM, Travel, and Wellness.
As a child, I spent countless hours reading books at the local library. As a parent, I’m excited for the whole family to experience the wonder and excitement of VR for themselves and embark on new adventures at the local library. As the VIVE Libraries Program expands to more communities, states, and countries around the world, I’m hopeful that every person can share in the promise of VR to learn, discover, and explore.
VIVE Libraries Program Content List
Adventures in Space
Amazon Odyssey
Ancient Adventures
Berlin Wall: The Virtual Reality Experience
Beyond Tokyo
Buzz Aldrin: Cycling Pathways to Mars
COSM Worlds within Worlds
Earthlight VR: Spacewalk
Everest VR
Jam Studio VR
Lifeliqe VR Museum
Lunar Learning & Earthly Robots
MakeVR Pro
Mars Odyssey
Masterpiece VR
Masters of Design
Modigliani VR: The Ochre Atelier
Newton’s House of Forces
Oceans of Wonder
Operation Apex
Rad Robots
Remembering Pearl Harbor
Remind VR: Daily Meditation
Stonehenge VR
Super Puzzle Galaxy
Take Flight!
The Night Cafe: A VR Tribute to Van Gogh
The Physiology of the Eye
Unabomber: The Virtual Reality Experience