Building Reliable Location-Based VR Attractions
Boost market longevity and maximize profits for your location-based virtual reality experience.

Location Based Entertainment | Entertainment
15 min read
What you'll learn with our free guide
Designing and building a successful LBVR attraction requires the mastery of various disciplines, such as game design, hardware integration, operation, maintenance, and more. Location-based VR developers and resellers need to understand how these elements interlink so they can make the most of the platform and maximize sales.
In partnership with LBVR entrepreneur and author, Bob Cooney, we've compiled the most essential best practices to put LBVR creators on the best foot forward for making attractions that will resonate with operators and players alike. Download our eBook today to learn:
- What to look for in a hardware partner.
- Tips when designing the best LBVR experiences
- How to choose your HMD
- How to envision the entire chain, from installation through operation and repair.
- Key insights from VR luminaries, value-added resellers, and amusement operators.
Download our free guide

Bob Cooney
Virtual reality speaker, author, futurist, and entrepreneur

Armando Lanuti
President and Owner, Creative Works

Ben Davenport
CEO, VRSenal

George Smith
President & CEO, Family Entertainment Group