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Enabling and disabling features

Turn on or off features such as the virtual wall, Wi‍-Fi settings, custom boot-up animation, and automatic system updates.
  1. In the folder where you extracted the contents of the batch configuration template package, open the xml folder. See Downloading the batch configuration template package.
  2. Inside the folder, open the cc_config.xml file using a text editor app.
  3. Enter the corresponding text and value of each feature to enable or disable a feature. Update the x value in each setting to 1 (enabled) or 0 (disabled).

    For example, <enableUSBdebug>1</enableUSBdebug>.

    See Available features for a complete list of features that be configured for the headset.

  4. Save the file.
  • See Feature version requirements to check the system version requirement for each feature.
  • To connect VIVE to a specific Wi‍-Fi network, the <hasWIFISettings> value must be set to 1. See Configuring the Wi‍-Fi settings file.
  • If the <hasAnimationZip> value is set to 1, you need to prepare your custom boot-up animation for packaging. See Preparing the custom boot-up animation.
  • If you have an alternative headset tracking solution, in addition to the current one being used by the headset, set the <DisableLostTracking> value to 1.
  • For <SetPlayareaSize>, you can enter 2x2, 3x3, or 4x4. Dimensions are in meters.

Available features

These are the features that can be configured for the headset.
Feature name Setting text
USB Debug

Enable or disable USB debugging for the headset.


Virtual Wall

Show or hide the virtual wall for the play area.


Wi-Fi settings

Set up Wi‍-Fi to connect the headset to a specific Wi‍-Fi network. See Configuring the Wi‍-Fi settings file.


Pairing user interface

Enable or disable the recenter feature for the controller.


3 DoF controller update

Enable or disable automatic updates for the 3DoF controller.


Chirp controller update (For 6 DoF controller)

Enable or disable automatic updates for the Chirp controller.


System update

Enable or disable automatic system updates for the headset.


VIVE home (Launcher) update

Enable or disable updates for VIVE home and VIVEPORT.


Batch Configuration Persistence

See Configuring Batch Configuration Persistence settings for details.


Boot up animation

Add a custom boot up animation for the headset. See Preparing the custom boot-up animation.


Don't show lost tracking warnings

Show or hide lost tracking warning messages.


Wi-Fi and cast options on power menu

Show the Wi‍-Fi settings and cast options on the Power menu.


Show developer options

Enable or disable developer options.


Play area size

Set the play area size.


Important: See Feature version requirements to check the system version requirement for each feature.

Configuring the Wi‍-Fi settings file

Edit the Wi‍-Fi configuration file so you can connect the device to a specific Wi‍-Fi network.
  1. In the folder where you extracted the contents of the batch configuration template package, open the xml folder. See Downloading the batch configuration template package.
  2. Inside the folder, open the wifi_config.xml file using a text editor app.
  3. Update the tag values according to your Wi‍-Fi network settings.
    Important: Each tag must have a value. Check the notes for each tag to see the values that you can enter.
    Note: If a domain is not needed, it is recommended to delete the <domain> tag.
  4. Save the file.

Configuring Batch Configuration Persistence settings

Use the Batch Configuration Persistence feature to save the batch configuration package on the headset after installing the package. If you do a factory reset and there is no batch configuration package in the storage card, the headset will automatically execute the saved batch configuration package.

Preparing the custom boot-up animation

You can add your company specific launch animation.
  1. In the folder where you extracted the contents of the batch configuration template package, open the files folder. See Downloading the batch configuration template package.
  2. Inside the folder, extract the contents of the file to your computer. You will see a part0 folder and desc.txt file.
  3. Copy your animation sequence images into the part0 folder.
    • You need to use 3D pre-distortion images in PNG format.
    • The recommended image dimensions is 2880x1600 pixels.
    • Name the images sequentially. For example, boot_0001.png, boot_0002.png, and so on.
    • You can also place an audio file, in WAV format, to go with your animation in this folder.
  4. Open the desc.txt file using a text editor app. The desc.txt file defines how the images inside the part0 folder are displayed.
  5. Update the code according to your preferences.
    2880 1600 24
    p 1 0 part0
    • 2880 The width, in pixels, of the images used in the animation.
    • 1600 The height, in pixels, of the images used in the animation.
    • 24 Playback frame rate of the animation. The recommended frame rate is 24.
    • p Command for stopping or finish playing the animation. Enter p to stop the animation when the headset has fully booted up even if the animation has not finished playing. Enter c to finish playing the animation at least once even if the headset has fully booted up.
    • 1 Animation loop frequency. Enter the number of times the animation loops. Enter 0 to continuously loop the animation until the headset has fully booted up.
    • 0 Wait time before replay. Enter how long to wait, in number of frames, before replaying the animation if it is set to loop.
    • part0 Name of the folder where the images for the animation are located.
    Tip: Add another row if you have more than one boot-up animation.
    2880 1600 24
    p 1 0 part0
    c 0 0 part1
  6. Package the part0 folder and desc.txt into a ZIP file and name it
  7. Place inside the files folder of the batch configuration template file.
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