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Error messages

Check the device status and activity issues and try to resolve them with the suggested steps.
Table 1. Content
Issue Steps to resolve issue
Unable to uninstall app The app is a system or pre-installed app, or you may need administrative privileges to uninstall it. These types of apps can only be disabled or removed through rooting or by performing a factory reset.
Unable to download APK
  • Free up some space on the device so the APK can be downloaded.
  • Internet connection may be slow or unstable. Use a faster and stable internet connection.
  • Contact the app publisher and check if the server is working.
Unable to verify APK The app is invalid. Contact the app publisher and request for a valid app APK.
Unable to install APK
  • The app is already installed but has a different app signature. Contact the app publisher and request for an app APK with the same app signature.
  • You're trying to install an older version of the app which is not supported.
Unable to download the main OBB
  • Free up some space on the device so the OBB can be downloaded.
  • Internet connection may be slow or unstable. Use a faster and stable internet connection.
  • Contact the app publisher and check if the server is working.
Unable to verify main OBB The main OBB is invalid. Contact the app publisher and request for a valid main OBB.
Unable to install main OBB Unable to move the OBB file to the corresponding path. Do the following:
  • Free up some space on the device.
  • Make sure the app has permission to write to the storage location.
  • Clear the app's cache and storage on the device.
Unable to download patch OBB
  • Free up some space on the device so the OBB can be downloaded.
  • Internet connection may be slow or unstable. Use a faster and stable internet connection.
  • Contact the app publisher and check if the server is working.
Unable to verify patch OBB The app is invalid. Contact the app publisher to request for a valid OBB.
Unable to install patch OBB Unable to move the OBB file to the corresponding path. Do the following:
  • Free up some space on the device.
  • Make sure the app has permission to write to the storage location.
  • Clear the app's cache and storage on the device.
Table 2. EMM app
Issue Steps to resolve issue
Unable to install CAPP The app is a system or pre-installed app or you may need administrative privileges to uninstall it. These types of apps can only be disabled or removed through rooting or by performing a factory reset.
Unable to download CAPP
  • Free up some space on the device so the OBB can be downloaded.
  • Internet connection may be slow or unstable. Use a faster and stable internet connection.
  • Contact the app publisher and check if the server is working.
  • The URL may be invalid. Contact the app publisher and request for a valid URL.
Unable to verify CAPP The app is invalid. Contact the app publisher and request for a valid app APK.
Unable to install CAPP
  • The app is already installed but has a different app signature. Contact the app publisher and request for an app APK with the same app signature.
  • You're trying to install an older version of the app which is not supported.
Unable to set CAPP as Device Owner app
  • The app is a non-Device Owner app.
  • The device already has a Device Owner app. Only one Device Owner app is supported.
Table 3. Batch configuration
Issue Steps to resolve issue
Unable to download batch configuration package
  • Free up some space on the device.
  • Internet connection may be slow or unstable. Use a faster and stable internet connection.
Unable to verify batch configuration package The batch configuration package is invalid. Reach out to your HTC contact to get support.
Unable to download the batch configuration package key
  • Free up some space on the device so the OBB can be downloaded.
  • Internet connection may be slow or unstable. Use a faster and stable internet connection.
Unable to verify batch configuration package key The batch configuration package is invalid. If you've downloaded the batch configuration package and its key from the same organization and you still see this error, reach out to your HTC contact.
Table 4. Maps
Issue Steps to resolve issue
Unable to download map
  • Free up some space on the device so the OBB can be downloaded.
  • Internet connection may be slow or unstable. Use a faster and stable internet connection.
Unable to verify map The map is invalid. Reach out to your HTC contact for support.
Unable to import map Unable to move the map to the corresponding path.
  • Free up some space on the device.
  • Make sure the app has permission to write to the storage location.

Unable to import the boundary data to runtime. Reach out to your HTC contact for support.

Check MAP tracking mode fail Make sure the device's tracking mode is set to LBE mode or LBE Hybrid mode.
Check MAP version fail Map is not supported by the device.

Maps exported from VIVE Focus 3 using software version 5.0.999.918 or older also can't be assigned to VIVE Focus 3 devices that have been updated to software version 6.0.999.920 or later.

Table 5. Media
Issue Steps to resolve issue
Unable to download media file
  • Free up some space on the device.
  • Internet connection may be slow or unstable. Use a faster and stable internet connection.
Unable to verify media file The media file is invalid. Contact the source of the media file and request for a valid media file.
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